The heretics of Bohemia
"Not since the passing of Felix Mirbt (or the last visit of Ronnie Burkett) have we seen such a genius of puppetry operating in English Montreal.” – The Gazette
may 2-19, 2012
Presented as the resident company for the Segal Centre of Performing Arts 2011-12 season.
By Joseph Shragge, Directed by Alison Darcy, Dramaturgy by Ben Klein, Puppet design by Zach Fraser, Assistant Directed by Joseph Shragge.
Stage Managed by Todd Bricker, Set Design by Julie Bourbonnais, Lighting Design by Laird MacDonald, Sound Design by David Oppenheim, Costume Design by Susana Vera. Assistant Stage Managed by Tammy Keys.
Cast: Andreas Apergis, Allan Michael Brunet, Dan Jeannotte, Catherine Lemieux, Morgan Nerenberg, Leni Parker, Michel Perron, Anana Rydvald, Felicia Shulman and Paul Van Dyck.
Musicians: John Dodge and David Oppenheim.

Video Credit: Paul Shore. Puppets by Zach Fraser. Featuring the cast.
Welcome to Bohemia, a worm-hole, a nation of wastrels and ne’er-do-wells, forever fallen on hard times, ruled by madmen and fools.
Video by George Allister. Featuring the cast.
“Bawdy, hilarious … I have never heard an audience so responsive
to the humour in a production.” – CBC Daybreak
“Some of the most beautiful puppets I have ever seen this whole production screams of greatness on paper, and trust me, it more than lived up to my expectations...A great example of original theatre with a great mix of humans and puppets, combining to create a tremendous piece of work.” (bloodyunderrated.com)
“The production is a visual gem, beginning with the glorious hand-crafted puppets designed by Zach Fraser…Heretics of Bohemia remains one of the most creative theatrical experiences you’ll probably get all year.” (roverarts.com)
“A delightfully dark yet colourfully eccentric new play.” (The Concordian)
“This is art about art, full of self-questioning about the function of masks in the search for identity. One of the most poignant characters has no face at all.…Not since the passing of Felix Mirbt have we seen such a genius of puppetry operating in English Montreal.” (Montreal Gazette)
“Heretics is entertaining and beautiful.” (The Charlebois Post)
“On redécouvre avec bonheur une forme de théâtre qui commence à resurgir à Montréal: celui de la marionnette pour adultes. Quelques minutes d’adaptation nous permettent d’oublier les comédiens derrière les marionnettes, et d’entrer complètement dans l’univers onirique créé à travers cet art unique.” (montrealtheatre.qc.ca)