Sapientia is selling out and getting top reviews!
We are halfway through the run of our Show Sapientia, and we are pleased to announce that we have been sold out (save for one matinee), and the rest of the run is almost sold out as well!
Plus we've been receiving wonderful feedback from the critics!
-"This show deserves to play to full houses [...] and tour so that more people can discover humanity’s first known female playwright and this theatre company’s original, rallying projects." - Yanik Comeau, ZoneCulture
-Check the 9 minute mark for a glowing review in French on CIBL on Au Pied du Lit
-"The masterful team behind this production take Hroswitha’s blunt narrative and work magic to make it compelling."
Rachel Levine, Montreal Rampage.
-Le Devoir review by Marie Labrecque, in French.
Photo of Paul van Dyck, Robert Leveroos, Alexandra Petrachuk and Alison Darcy by Andrew Patrick Boivin